
核心自我评价概念的提出及其验证性研究 被引量:35

The Concept of Core Self-evaluation and Its Confirmatory Analysis
摘要 自尊、控制源、一般自我效能和神经质四种人格特质都是关于个体对自我评价的概念,Judge等人认为在四种人格特质下有一个更深层次的结构,他们将其命名为核心自我评价(core self-evaluation)。本研究通过对400名企业职工的调查,结果表明有一个单一因素可以解释四种人格特质间的相关。并以大五人格和关系绩效为效标做增益效度的检验,结果表明在控制了核心自我评价对外部效标的解释后,单个特质的增益效度很低。研究结果证明了核心自我评价概念在中国文化背景下的存在。 The four traits of self-esteem, locus of control, generalized self-efficacy and neurotieism are all concepts of an individual' s self-evaluation. Judge and others think there is a deeper structure beneath the four traits, and they name it core self-evaluation. Our investigation of 400 staff members showed that there was a single factor which could account for the interrelation of the four traits. The test with "hig five" and contextual performance as the external criteria showed that each trait accounted for little incremental variance in predicting external criteria beyond what was contributed by core self-evaluation. The results of the study verified the existence of core self-evaluation in a Chinese cultural background.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期1057-1060,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
关键词 核心自我评价 自尊 控制源 一般自我效能 神经质 结构效度 增益效度 Core self-evaluation, self-esteem, locus of control, generalized self-efficacy, neurotieism, construct validity, incremental validity
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