影响无尾两栖类活动的因素很多,水体是最主要的因素之一。本研究采用样线法,分别于2006年7月和9月下旬对若尔盖季节性水塘周边高原林蛙(Rana kukunoris)的活动特征进行了研究。样线宽2m,长70-150m,采用十字交叉法,基本按照东、南、西、北、东北、西北、东南、西南方向设置8条样线。结果表明:夏季高原林蛙主要在水塘周边活动,高原林蛙遇见率与水塘距离呈显著负相关(Pearson,成体:r=?0.479,P<0.05;亚成体:r=?0.480,P<0.05);90%的高原林蛙个体在距离水塘110m范围内活动,亚成体比成体更接近水体活动,远离水塘的成体选择泉眼和草沓草地活动。秋季高原林蛙的活动与水塘距离无显著相关性(Pearson,r=?0.016,P>0.05),水塘周边高原林蛙的遇见率很低,远离水塘的高原林蛙偏向选择泉眼活动。
The water environment has important features that affect the activities of anurans. The activities of Rana kukunoris around the seasonal pond was investigated using transects, in late July and September, respectively. The transects were set in eight directions: north, south, west, east, northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast. The transects were two meters in width and 70-150 m in length. It was indicated that R. kukunoris moved around the pond in summer and there was significant negative correlation between the percentage of frog numbers and distance to the aquatic site (Pearson, adult: r=-0.479, P〈0.05; sub-adult: r =-0.480, P〈0.05). Ninety percent of the frogs recorded were distributed in an area around the pond in a radius of 110 m. In contrast to sub-adults, the adult frogs tended to dissipate away from the pond and preferred to choose the mouth of the spring as a habitat. However, there was no significant correlation between the percentage of frog numbers and the distance from the seasonal pond in autumn (Pearson, r=-0.016, P〉0.05), the percentage of frog numbers was very low and frogs preferred the mouth of the spring as a habitat.
East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes provided to ZIF by the United States National Science Foundation