
宝钢5m厚板轧机宽展数学模型及其应用 被引量:2

A Width Elongation Mathematical Model for Baosteel's 5m Heavy Plate Mill and Its Application
摘要 在厚板轧制过程中,把握材料的宽展规律,提高宽展预测精度是保证最终钢板宽度满足要求的关键环节。从影响宽展的因素和常用的宽展公式出发,研究宝钢5m厚板轧机PVPC平面形状控制的宽展数学模型及其建模过程,对该模型的特点及实际应用情况做了客观评价。并利用生产中积累的数据,应用数据统计回归方法,对宽展模型的协调因子xt,y1进行优化,从而提高了模型的预测宽展精度,减小了宽度预测偏差。 In the process of heavy plate rolling, mastering the rule of material' s width elongation and improving the forecasting precision of width elongation are the key point to ensure that the final plate width can meet customers' requirements. The width elongation for Baosteel 5m Heavy Plate Mill's PVPC (Plan View Pattern Control) and its model building process are studied on the basis of the factors influencing width elongation and some formulas in common use. At the same time, the model' s characteristics and its application for locale are estimated objectively. The two coordinate factors and in the mathematical model for width elongation are optimized with the data accumulated in production, and in a way of statistical regression analysis. Thus, the model' s forecasting precision for width elongation has been improved, and the forecasting deviation for width has been reduced.
作者 张敏文
出处 《宝钢技术》 CAS 2007年第5期38-41,共4页 Baosteel Technology
关键词 厚板轧制 宽展 数学模型 heavy plate rolling width elongation mathematical model
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