γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a major inhibitory transmitter in the cen- tral nervous system of animals and man. Most studics indicatcd that GABA plays a rolc in the pathophysiology ef cpilepsy. GABA insrcases the threshold of convulsion when it was administered locally in the brain of dog. Under physiological condition GABA poorly crosscs the blood-brain barrier, so it is not effective when administered orally. It is likely that a nontoxic GABA mimetic which easily entcrs the brain will have useful therapeutic properties. With this in mind, we have designed and synthesized 8 derivatives of γ-amino- butyric acid with an imine link (Schiff basc) to a lipophilc carrier in order to facilitate the passagc of γ-aminobutyric acid across the blood-brain barrier (IVa-Ivh). The synthesized 8 title compounds were evaluated as antico- nvulsants in mice via the anticpilelic drug development program of NIH. Compounds Ivb, Ivf showed anticonvulsant activity.
Journal of Guiyang Medical College