

The Relationship Between the Regional Environment and the Genesis of Gallstones
摘要 贵州省贵阳市以胆固醇结石为主的胆囊结石占77.56%,而从江县以胆色素结石为主的原发性肝胆管结石占66.89%。作者取贵阳市和从江县两地区胆石进行成份分析、水质分析、土壤微量元素分析,并比较两地区地理、地貌、地层、岩性、气候和生活习性差异,以探索胆结石成因与地球化学环境的关系。初步发现胆固醇结石多发于碱性硬水地区,而胆色素结石多发于酸性软水地区。 The relationship between regional environment and gallstone genesis of Guiyang City and Chongjiang County has been studied.The geologic, geographic and climatic situation between those of two places are different :Guiyang City is located in the alpine basin of middle Guizhou covered by limestone with a temperate climate, on the contrary, Chongjiang County in the south-east of Yunnan-Guizhou plateau covered by slate with a subtrop- ical mild-humid climate.The differences are also shown in gallstone types, there are 77.56% cholesterol stones in Guiyang, while 68.89% pigmental stones in Chongjiang.The contents of K, Na, Ca, Mg, Mn, Cl, Fe, Cu, Co, Al and P stones in Chongjiang are higher than those in Guiyang.As a drinking water acidic soft water, pH=6.03, rich in Na^+, K^+ and Cl^-for the Chongjiang and alkali hard water pH=7.9, rich in Ca^(2+), Mg^(2+), dissolved gas O_2, HCO_3^-, SO_4^(2-) and plasma NH_4NO_2^-, NO_3^-is typical for the Guiyang, The contents of Pb, Ni and Cr of soil the Guiyang are 21, 18, 84 times greater tnan tnose in the Chongjiang respectively.From above described, a preliminary conclusion can be gotten, that cholesterol gallstone mostly formed in alkali hard water area, and pigmental gallstone in acidic soft water area.
出处 《贵阳医学院学报》 CAS 1990年第4期281-285,共5页 Journal of Guiyang Medical College
关键词 胆结石 病因 碱性硬水 胆固醇结石 cholesterol stone alkali hard water pigmental stone acidic soft water
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