Hypernuclear magnetic moment and ∧-N interaction in ^17 ∧ O has been studied within relativistic mean field theory. Without core polarization, the relativistic results are found to fit the Schmidt value well and not be sensitive to ∧-N interaction. The relativistic magnetic moment is enhanced with nearly equal contributions of the relativistic and free masses. When ∧ hyperon occupies the l=0 or l=1 orbit, the effect of ∧-N interaction on the magnetic moment of valence proton is different.
Hypernuclear magnetic moment and ∧-N interaction in ^17 ∧ O has been studied within relativistic mean field theory. Without core polarization, the relativistic results are found to fit the Schmidt value well and not be sensitive to ∧-N interaction. The relativistic magnetic moment is enhanced with nearly equal contributions of the relativistic and free masses. When ∧ hyperon occupies the l=0 or l=1 orbit, the effect of ∧-N interaction on the magnetic moment of valence proton is different.