Taking the off-axis astigmatic Gaussian beam combination as an example, the beam-combination concept is extended to the nonparaxial regime. The closed-form propagation expressions for coherent and incoherent combinations of nonparaxial off-axis astigmatic Gaussian beams with rectangular geometry are derived and illustrated with numerical examples. It is shown that the intensity distributions of the resulting beam depend on the combination scheme and beam parameters in general, and in the paraxial approximation (i.e., for the small f-parameter) our results reduce to the paraxial ones.
Taking the off-axis astigmatic Gaussian beam combination as an example, the beam-combination concept is extended to the nonparaxial regime. The closed-form propagation expressions for coherent and incoherent combinations of nonparaxial off-axis astigmatic Gaussian beams with rectangular geometry are derived and illustrated with numerical examples. It is shown that the intensity distributions of the resulting beam depend on the combination scheme and beam parameters in general, and in the paraxial approximation (i.e., for the small f-parameter) our results reduce to the paraxial ones.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No 10574097.