

Next Stop,Zhangjiang Hi-Tech
摘要 来上海观光的旅客大多数都会把南京路或者外滩当作自己的首选景点,那里林立的摩天大厦、高档商铺和富有格调的咖啡馆让人流连忘返,也让人感受到这座东方都市的旺盛经济脉搏。不过,这并非上海的全部,假如你想领略这座城市对于未来经济发展方向的宏伟构想,不妨到张江高科技园区去看看。便利的交通、较低的人口密度、优惠的招商引资政策、国际化的商业环境、充裕的人才供给,使得原本是百里稻田的张江成为众多高科技企业趋之若骛之地。不过,在这一生意舞台上,最耀眼的明星并非那些资历显赫的跨国巨头,而是那些由中小企业结伴扎堆而生的产业集群。从集成电路到软件,从网络创意到生物医药,约有数以千计的企业聚集在张江,产业集群已经成为张江的新名片。这里有国内最完整的IC(集成电路)产业链,规模占全国半壁江山;这里的软件企业有上千家,软件出口占上海市一半以上;这里以网游为代表的创意产业异军突起,拥有盛大、九城两大上市公司。一部分领先的企业在经历了漫长的等待之后,已经享受到了胜利的喜悦,更多的后来者则在遥望着成功的曙光。简而言之,在上海张江平台上诞生的高科技产业集群,其旺盛的生命力已经像浙江的小商品和福建的服装鞋帽产业一样显现出来。而这一产业机会同样为越来越多的投资者所看重。张江的故事还没有到收官的时候。经过十几年的发展,张江依然是一个远没有被充分开发的区域。在很多专家眼中,要想成为当地政府理想中的"下一个硅谷",张江还有很多基础性的工作要完成。 Most of the sightseeing visitors in Shanghai would make Nanjing Road or the Bund their first choice of scenic spot, where the towering skyscrapers, high- end shops and stylish coffee shops not only make people feel reluctant to leave, but also feel the vibrant economic pulse of this oriental metropolis. But, this is not all Shanghai has to offer, if you want to learn about the grandiose conception of this city about the future direction of its economic development, why not go to Zhangjiang High-Tech Park to take a look. Industrial cluster has become the new name card of Zhangjiang. There has the most complete domestic industrial chain for integrated circuit with its scale amounting to half of the national total, nearly a thousand software companies were set up there with their software export accounting for half of Shanghai total, and there, the creative industry represented by internet gaming, as a new force, is coming to the fore, with two big listed companies of Shanda and Ninetowns being based there. Some of the leading enterprises have tasted the joy of victory after long wait, and more latecomers are longing for the dawn of success. In short, the exuberant vitality of the high-tech industrial clusters spawned on the platform of Shanghai Zhangjiang has emerged like that of Zhejiang's small commodities industry and Fujian's garment, footwear and headwear industries. Likewise, more and more investors are valuing the opportuni- ties of this industry. The story of Zhangjiang has not come to the end. After more than a decade of development, Zhangjiang is still an area that is far from being fully developed. In the eyes of many experts, Zhangjiang still has many basic tasks to complete in order to become the ideal'Next Silicon Valley'of the local government.
作者 陈亮 李闯
出处 《互联网周刊》 2007年第21期48-57,8,共10页 China Internet Week
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