以圆锥滚子轴承为研究对象,以三维绘图软件Pro/E和Visual C++6.0编程软件为平台。开发了圆锥滚子轴承参数化结构设计软件。在轴承的外径、内径、宽度等基本尺寸确定后。软件将在外部数据库的支持下按照输入的设计参数确定内部几何结构尺寸参数,最终实现圆锥滚子轴承三维造型的输出。开发过程简便易行,编程工作量小,与传统的设计方法相比,此方法提高了设计的精度和效率。
Take taper roller bearings as research object,it develops parameter structure design software of taper roller bearings by means of 3D drawing software and Visual C++6.0 programming software as platform.After the outer diameter,inside diameter,width of bearings are fixed,the software will decide the interior parameter size of geometry structure based on the input parameter design under the support of its exterior database,finally to realize 3D model of taper roller bearings output. Simplified method development process,less workload of programming.Compared with traditional design method,this method improves the accuracy and efficency of design.
Bus Technology