中国小冰期气候与环境变迁是在全球气候环境异常影响下发生的。从11世纪开始至18世纪结束,先后出现过四次寒冷期,即1170—1200年、1480—1530年、1650—1720年及1820一1890年,鼎盛期在17世纪中叶,周期为180年左右.但在寒冷的小冰期中也有过温暖时期;而且干—冷,暖—湿相联。天气异常、环境恶化是小冰期的主要特征,引起这种变化的主要原因是火山灰日伞效应。如果不是火山灰日伞效应的影响,未来CO_2 等温室气体将使气温出现明显上升.
The climate and environmental changes of the Little Ice Age in China occurred under the abnormal influence of the whole globe's climate and environment. From the eleventh century to the eighteenth century,there were four cold periods,which separately appeared in the years 1170-1200,1480 - 1530,1650-1720 and 1820-1890,the prime time being in the middle of the seventeenth century and the period lasting 180 years or so. But during the cold Little Ice Age there were some warm periods, dry - cold, warm - damp.
The abnormal climate and bad environment were the main features of the Little Ice Age. The main cause bringing about the changes was the effect of volcanic ash . But for the effect of the volcanic ash,the later hothouse gas,co2,etc. ,would have caused the temperature to obviously rise.
Guizhou Geology