

Dual-band microstrip antenna design of MEMS complex cavity
摘要 设计了一种基于腔结构的双模偶极子天线,其频率在2.44GHz和4.38GHz,利用MEMS开关实现双波段的操作。根据偶极子天线原理,设计了单模微带偶极子天线,使用开关结构将两个单模偶极子天线连接在一起,实现了双模天线的功能。利用三维电磁场软件HFSS分析了设计结构,包括开关、天线,在0~10GHz得出开关性能插入损耗在-1dB以下,天线回波损耗在-26dB以下。频率为2.44GHz时、回波损耗为-13.2dB、2dB的辐射效率为89%,频率为4.38GHz时,回波损耗为-21.9dB、3dB辐射效率为96%,带宽都在0.5GHz左右。 A dual - band dipole antenna of MEMS (Micro - Electro - Mechanical - systems) switch and cavity is designed with the peak 4.38 GHz and lower frequency 2.44GHz, and the dual - band operation is realized with MEMS switch on or off. The single mode dipole antenna is designed by the dipole microstrip theory, and two single - band antennas are combined with the two switches, forming a dual - band antenna. The performance of switch and antenna are obtained by HFSS software simulation, respectively. The antenna return loss is -13.2dB and - 21.9dB, at the lower and upper frequencies, respectively. The switch insert loss is better than - ldB and the antenna return loss is better than - 26dB over entire frequency band 0 - 10GHz. Tbe band is about 0.5GHz. The antenna radiation efficiency is 89% and the directivity is 2dB at the lower band, and the 96% and 3dB at the higher one.
出处 《激光杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期63-64,共2页 Laser Journal
基金 本论文受烟台师范学院校科研基金资助项目资助(编号:20052804)
关键词 MEMS 开关 双模 天线 腔体 MEMS switch dual-mode antenna cavity
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