[目的]了解十堰市艾滋病流行特征,探讨防治对策.[方法]对十堰市33例经性途径传播的艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者资料进行统计分析.[结果]1998~2005 年合计报告HIV感染者157例,其中经性途径传播的33例.经性途径感染的33例中,2002年2例,2003年5例,2004年8例,2005年18例;家庭内夫妻间感染的19例,婚外性行为感染的14例;女性22例,男性11例;20~39 岁20例;农民28例;艾滋病病人21例,目前已死亡11例.[结论]十堰市经性途径传播的HIV感染者目前呈快速上升趋势.
[Objective]To understand the epidemiological characteristic of AIDS,explore measures for AIDS prevention and control.[Methods]Data from 33 HIV carriers infected through sexual transmitted route were analyzed.[Results]157 HIV cases were reported from 1998 to 2005,33 of them were infected through sexual transmitted route.Among them,2 cases were reported in 2002,5 cases were reported in 2003,8 cases in 2004,18 cases in 2005.19 cases were infected through parents transmission,14 were infected through sexual transmission out of wedlock.22 cases were female and 11 were male.There were 20 cases aged 20-39,28 cases are peasants.There were 21 AIDS cases,of them 11 died.[Conclusion]The prevalence of sexual transmitted HIV goes up in Shiyan city.
Preventive Medicine Tribune