The Dachang Antimony Deposit in Qinglong, Guizhou, is that of horizon - controlling type volcanic sedimentation-transformation in the later period. The ore-conditions are as follows:
1. Controlled by certain horizons : Antimony ore bodies and mineralization points in Dachang area all occur in Dachang Horizon which means antimony ore source bed, with antimony derived from the mantle closely related to basalt. The formation environment of Dachang Horizon belongs to estuarine fades deposited successively with Maokou Formation.
2. Controlled by lithological features: Antimony ore occurs mainly in silicified clay rocks and quartz altered rocks in the lower part of Dachang Horizon. Some antimony ore occurs in blastobasalt in the upper part of Dachang Horizon and only a small amount of antimony ore occurs in quartz al tered rocks in the lower part of Dachang Horizon.
3. Controlled by Structures: The Dachang Antimony Deposit is mainly distributed in Heishan-qing-Houpo anticline controlled by Huayujing and Qingshanzheng faults between which antimony ore can be prospected.
Guizhou Geology