

A study on the anti-MAI performance of auxiliary vector receivers
摘要 多址干扰(MAI)是损害CDMA系统性能的主要因素之一。本文研究了辅助矢量接收机的抗MAI性能。与多用户检测(MUD)相比,辅助矢量接收机无需在相关器后边增加MUD模块、无需进行矩阵求逆运算、可以用于下行链路、便于盲实现。本文的仿真结果表明:辅助矢量(Auxiliary Vector,AV)的权系数随AV序号的增大而迅速减小,因此增加辅助矢量接收机中AV的数量而使系统得到的误比特性能的增益随AV数量的增加而迅速减小。当含有5个AV时,辅助矢量接收机就基本上达到了其性能界。根据此结论提出辅助矢量接收机中,AV的个数不应多于5个,并应根据通信业务对通信质量的具体要求来确定。较少的AV数使辅助矢量接收机有较低的计算复杂度,因此更有实用价值。随后的仿真结果表明辅助矢量接收机具有略优于解相关检测器和MMSE检测器的抗MAI性能。 Multiple access interference(MAI) is one of the main factors that deteriorate the performance of CDMA systems. The anti-MAI performance of auxiliary vector receivers is studied in this paper. Simulation results indicate that the weight coefficient of an auxiliary vector (AV) diminishes sharply as the AV' s sequence number increases , thus the system's performance gain brought by the increase of the number of AVs decreases rapidly as the number of the AVs increases . Auxiliary vector receivers almost reach their performance bound when they have 5 AVs. Therefore the number of AVs in an auxiliary vector receiver should not be more than 5, and be determined according to the particular quality requirement of the communication service. The less the number of AVs in an auxiliary vector receiver, the lower the computational complexity and the more practical value it has .Simulation results show that the auxiliary vector receiver compares favorably to the decorrelating detector and the MMSE detector.
出处 《电路与系统学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期76-81,共6页 Journal of Circuits and Systems
关键词 DS-CDMA 多址干扰 辅助矢量接收机 DS-CDMA multiple access interference(MAI) auxiliary vector receiver
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