
改性玉米芯吸附废水中苯酚的性能研究 被引量:4

Study on the performance of modified corn cob for adsorbing phenol in wastewater
摘要 用不同表面活性剂对玉米芯改性,初步研究了改性玉米芯吸附废水中苯酚的影响因素。结果表明:用十二烷基苯磺酸钠改性玉米芯,活化3h,其比表面积达1372.5m2/g,在酸性条件下对苯酚的去除率>90%。该试验结果可为玉米芯的废物再利用和废水的处理问题提供参考。 Different surfactants have been used for modifying the corn cob. The influential factors of modified corn cob on the adsorption of phenol from wastewater are studied. The results indicate that when the pH value is acidity, sodiam dodecyl benzene sulfonate is used for modifying corn cob,the activating time is 3 h,and the surface area of corn cob is 1 372.5 m^2/g,the removal rate of phenol is more than 90%. It provides reference for the recycle of corn core waste and wastewater treatment.
出处 《工业水处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第10期76-77,共2页 Industrial Water Treatment
关键词 玉米芯 苯酚 表面活性剂 废水处理 corn cob phenol surfactant wastewater treatment
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