The two collections of the Sea of the Ming Prose and the Selected Ming Prose for Reading compiled by Huang Zongxi mistake Xu Zhenqing as the author of the article the Discussing-letter~ on Prose and Poetry Production with the Candidates Who Passed the Imperial Examination and Entered the Hanlin Academy in the Same Year whose author-rights is actually Xu Xianqing of the Jiajing to Wanli reigns of the Ming Dynasty. The book of the Collections of Rhetoric Materials in Classic Chinese by Zheng Dian and Tan Quanji follow the trail of this mistake and thus leads to the astonishingly wrong conclusions in the history of Chinese Poetic Aesthetics by Zhuang Yan and Zhang Zhu and the Discussion on Xu Zhenqing's Art of Poetry Creation by Wang Yingzhi. In her paper of Xu Zhenqing's complex of landscape, Yin Yanmei struggled to give a convincing explanation to the so-called "contradictory theory on the production of poetry and prose by Xu Zhenqing" is actually of non-meaning for her wrongly adopted materials.
Journal of Ancient Books Collation and Studies
the Discussing-letter on Prose and Poetry Production with the Candidates Who Passed the Imperial Examination and Entered the Hanlin Academy in the Same Year
Xu Zhenqing
Xu Xianqing
Huang Zongxi