
SWAT模型中天气发生器与数据库构建及其验证 被引量:33

Weather Generator and Database in the SWAT Model
摘要 提出了通过日照时数和太阳辐射量的相关关系来估算逐日辐射量的方法,采用日平均温度和日平均湿度来计算日露点温度,以建立SWAT模型天气发生器。采用插值方法对土壤粒径进行转换,并利用SPAW程序估算土壤水特性参数,建立了SWAT模型土壤属性库。将构建的SWAT模型应用于潮河上游下会水文站以上流域的水文过程模拟,月效率系数≥0.91,确定性系数≥0.93,取得了非常好的模拟效果。结果表明在缺乏详细的气象和土壤数据情况下,可以构建SWAT模型进行水文模拟研究。 For the purpose to develop the weather generator in SWAT model, a method to estimate daily solar radiation was proposed on the basis of relationship between sunshine duration and solar radiation, and a procedure was proposed to calculate daily dew temperature from daily air temperature and humidity. The interpolation method was used to make the soil grain size conversion, and the soil water characteristics were estimated by the SPAW program to build up soil property database. Finally, the SWAT model was applied in the hydrologic simulation in upper stream of the Cao River Basin. The monthly efficiency coefficient is greater than 0.89 and the coefficient of determination is greater than 0.95, so the simulation is successful. The result shows that the SWAT model can be used in hydrologic simulation in case of absence of detailed weather and soil data.
出处 《水文》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期25-30,共6页 Journal of China Hydrology
基金 北京市科技计划项目(D0704004040191)
关键词 SWAT模型 天气发生器 土壤属性库 SWAT model weather generator soil property database
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