
从中国诗传统中寻求中国建筑文化的神韵 被引量:2

Searching for the Spirit of the Chinese Architectural Culture in the Chinese Poetic Tradition
摘要 本文在回顾了本世纪中国建筑研究发展状况后指出在中国建筑传统研究中开辟新视角的必要性。根据中外建筑学研究的发展,提出了通过中国诗传统来研究建筑传统的新维度:意义和体验。为了说明这一方法,本文以分析选自《诗经》中的诗歌做为实例。实例分析试图在字源、语义和历史三种层面的文脉中理解诗义。这一实例分析揭示了一些中国建筑传统的基本主题,体现了中国建筑传统的连续性和生命力。 This paper argues for new dimensions in our understanding of the Chinese architectural tradition in a re-ex-amination of the architectural devel0pment and architectural studies in 2Oth century China. After a survey of thenew development of architectural Studies in recent years, this paper proposes a new approach t0 the study of theChinese architectural tradition by exploring the Chinese poetic tradition in the dimensions of perceived meaningand experience. This approach is exemplified in a case study that analyses a poem from Shi-jing (The Book ofSOngs), the earliest anthology of Chinese poetry dating from eleventh to the seventh century B. C.The case study seeks to convey an understanding of the selected poem Zhu in three major contexts: the pa-le0graphica1, Literal, and historical c0ntext. In doing so, the architectural terminology used in the poem is car-fu1ly studied; C0nceptual themes of building inherited in the ancient Chinese characters and terms employed inthe poem have been extracted and analyzed. The ensuing analysis probes the underlying meaning of the poemand presented the intended and implied experiences discussed therein regarding the meanings of architecturalspace as place. Finally, the historical context of the Zhou dynasty is used t0 explain the themes discovered in theanalysis.The findings of the case study reveal some essential themes of the Chinese architectural tradition. In thistradition, building is inseparable from living. The primary themes of experiencing the built environment as re-vealed by the poem are spatial and sequential with varying and contrasting characteristics that are composed inaccordance with the rituals of the time. The experiential themes of the ancient time resonates with our experi-ences of today's environment.It is hoped that the elucidation 0f some key sources of China's enduring architectural tradition might providea scholarly basis for the cultural conservation of China in the current period of its modernization.
作者 冯晋
出处 《建筑学报》 北大核心 1997年第3期57-61,共5页 Architectural Journal
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