
安徽农村既往有偿供血地区居民艾滋病相关歧视调查 被引量:5

Survey on HIV/AIDS-related discrimination among residents with a history of paid blood donation in rural areas of Anhui Province
摘要 目的了解农村既往有偿供血地区居民对艾滋病感染者与患者相关歧视的现状,为寻求降低歧视的方法提供科学依据。方法选择安徽省皖北某县12个存在既往有偿供血的村庄,由经过培训的调查员入户对395名农村居民进行问卷调查。结果在农村既往有偿供血地区居民艾滋病非传播途径知识知晓程度较低,歧视仍较普遍,主要表现为不购买PLWHA家庭生产的食品或副食品(54.50%),不让PLWHA家小孩和自己家小孩一起玩耍(44.70%)。引起歧视的主要原因中,89.32%的居民认为是基于对疾病缺乏了解、恐惧;92.50%的居民认为是因为艾滋病无法治愈的事实;有43.40%的人认为是有关艾滋病传播的传说、偏见。结论农村既往有偿供血地区艾滋病知识知晓仍存在着误区及相关歧视,降低对AIDS患者歧视应作为今后AIDS健康教育的宣传工作重点,其中艾滋病非传播途径知识是艾滋病宣传教育的重点内容。  Objective To assess HIV/AIDS-related discrimination among residents in rural areas with a history of paid blood donation,and provide a scientific basis for seeking discrimination reduction methods.Methods A survery was performed by the trained investigators among 395 villagers in twelve selected villages with a history of paid blood donation in one northern county of Anhui Province.Study subjects were selected and interviewed at home.Results The results indicated that knowledge of non-transmitted channel about AIDS was not widely known by the study subjects,and HIV/AIDS-related discrimination was a serious problem in rural areas with a history of paid blood donation.The main manifestations of HIV/AIDS-related discrimination were:54.50 percent of villagers were unwilling to purchase the food products from the PLWHA families and 44.70 percent of villagers were unwilling to let their children play with the children of PLWHA families.The main reasons of discrimination against PLWHA were that 89.32 percent of villagers were illiterate about AIDS and afraid of the disease,92.50 percent of villagers held the view that AIDS was incurable,and 43.40 percent of villagers misunderstood transmitted route.Conclusions Misunderstanding about AIDS and discrimination against HIV/AIDS still exist in rural areas with a history of paid blood donation.To reduce discrimination against the AIDS is key in AIDS health education.Besides,importance should be attached to the non-transmitted channel about AIDS.
出处 《疾病控制杂志》 2007年第5期495-497,共3页 Chinese Journal of Disease Control and Prevention
关键词 供血者 获得性免疫缺陷综合征 偏见 Blood donors Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Prejudice
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