20世纪50年代之前,以"七姊妹"为主的国际大石油公司几乎垄断了世界石油工业,国家石油公司显得无足轻重。70年代,在石油资源国有化浪潮中,一批实力雄厚的国家石油公司登上世界石油舞台,北海石油的兴起和两次石油危机,也使一批发达国家的国家石油公司应运而生。然而,80- 90年代,兴起于英国并席卷世界许多地方的私有化风潮,使一部分国家石油公司转入了私(民)营"阵营",实力大为削弱。此后至今,世界政治经济形势发生了很大变化,国家石油公司的角色也发生了转变:资源丰富的国家石油公司作为资源提供者,其地位进一步加强;一些本国资源不足的国家石油公司成为活跃的资源寻求者;国家石油公司开始扮演技术提供者的角色,并迅速进军下游领域;一批国家石油公司进入国际市场,采取兼并、收购等手段,实力迅速壮大。随着经济全球化进程的加快,国家石油公司和国际大石油公司之间的合作将更加广泛和多样化,合作共赢将成为主旋律。
Prior to the 1950s,major international oil companies-led by the so- called'Seven Sisters'-virtually monopolized the world’s oil industry, with national companies relegated to a relatively minor role.A wave of oil resource nationalization during the 1970s saw a group of powerful national oil companies step onto the world stage.In addition,the rise of North Sea oil,as well as two oil crises,precipitated the emergence of national oil companies in a number of developed nations.During the eighties and nineties,however,the trend of privatization sweeping outward from Great Britain forced several of the national oil companies into the private sector,greatly sapping their strength.Since that time global political and economic conditions have changed dramatically, and so too has the role of national oil companies.As resource providers, national companies in resource-rich nations have further strengthened their positions,while those in resource-poor nations have become active seekers of resources.Furthermore,national oil companies have begun stepping into the role of technology provider,expanding rapidly into downstream sectors.Finally,a number of national companies have entered the international market,gaining rapid boosts to their strength through mergers and acquisitions.As the globalization of the economy picks up speed,partnerships between national oil companies and large international oil companies will become more extensive and diverse, with cooperation and mutual benefit emerging as major themes.
International Petroleum Economics