在电站锅炉燃烧器的研究中,对于燃烧器中气体-颗粒两相流动的流场数据的测量,通常以采用粒子动态分析仪(Particle Dynamic Analyzer,简称PDA)为较好选择。本文采用三维粒子动态分析仪(3D-PDA)对燃烧器内气固两相流动的冷态流场进行了实验测量,其中在搭建实验台、选择固相粒子、布置测量光路和考虑相似性原则等方面做了一些有益的探索工作。
Particle dynamic analyzer (PDA) is generally considered as a better means to measure the gas-particle two-phase flow in a coal burner. An experimental measurement of the gas-particle two-phase flow in a coal burner was made by using 3D-PDA. Meanwhile, some helpful explorations were carried out, which include the construction of test platform, the choice of particle material as solid-phase, the arrangement of optical paths of laser, and the consideration of similarity principle.
Research and Exploration In Laboratory