20世纪西方哲学最大的进步是提出了生活世界的问题。胡塞尔(Edmund Husserl)、海德格尔(Martin Heidegger)、维特根斯坦(Ludwig Wittgenstein)、哈贝马斯(Jrgen Habermas)都不同程度地提出了这一问题。这一视角对唯物史观的重新解读起到了夯实基础的作用。本文通过对马克思生产与生活、生活与生产双重关系的系统分析,认为重新理解生活世界,理解历史的生活动因,对于重新理解历史唯物主义,理解历史过程的能动性根源,理解以人为本的思想原则,理解社会有机体的全面生产及其内在和谐,具有根本的理论意义。
The greatest advance of Western philosophy in the 20th century is the discussion on living world.Edmund Husserl,Martin Heidegger,Ludwig Wittgenstein and Jürgen Habermas all put forward this issue from different perspectives.This discussion has helped to consolidate the foundation for reinterpreting historical materialism.Through a systematical analysis of Marx's idea on the dual relationship between production and living,this article holds that a reinterpretation of the living world and the living initiative of history has great theoretical significance in reinterpreting historical materialism,the dynamic source of historic process,the people-centered principle,and the overall production of social organism and its internal harmony.
The Journal of Yunnan University:Social Sciences Edition