
广东省医药高等院校办学特色研究 被引量:1

Research in the traits of running the schools of medicine and pharmaceutics in Guangdong
摘要 随着广东省高等教育的大众化,广东医药高等院校之间的竞争也日趋激烈,许多高校都把形成、发展自身的办学特色纳入学校总体发展规划,本文分析了广东省医药院校办学特色的问题和现状,并阐述了广东省医药院校办学特色建设的思路和建议。 Guangdong higher education has entered the period of popularization. It leads to much more competition between Guangdong medical and pharmaceutical universities. In order to well development. Creating and developing school traits has been put on the overall plan of a university. This paper analyses the problems and present situation of the Guangdong medical and pharmaceutical universities, and give some idea and advices to the schools which are exploring to develop their own school traits.
作者 李东月
出处 《中华医学教育杂志》 2007年第3期8-10,共3页 Chinese Journal of Medical Education
关键词 医药高等院校 办学特色 研究 广东 Medical and pharmaceutical university Traits of running schools Research Guangdong
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