
试论柏拉图的“哲学修辞术” 被引量:3

On Plato’s "philosophical rhetoric"
摘要 在《高尔吉亚》《斐德若》《苏格拉底的申辩》对话著作中,柏拉图探讨并总结了在雅典民主制下,言辞技艺在政治领域的实践运用,创造出ρητορικη?一词指称公共政治领域的言辞技艺(即狭义的修辞术),并且从正反两面揭示了智术师派修辞家宣讲的修辞术存在的利弊。在哲学与修辞术的关系上,柏拉图并非简单地一概否认修辞术在政治领域的运用,而是在肯定修辞术作用的同时,一面强调政治修辞术必须为追求正义服务,不能以牺牲人们对美德的培养为代价,而败坏了城邦政治和人的灵魂的秩序。柏拉图在研究和批评智术师派的政治修辞术的同时,对自己的写作技艺也作出了正面的总结和归纳,推出了为哲学服务,化解哲人生活方式与城邦大众之间价值取向之间矛盾,流传哲学火种的哲学修辞术。 It is indubitable that philosophy was the central of the Plato's Dialogue. However, In addition to philosophy, rhetoric was an important subject as an opposition. What's rhetoric? What's the essence and boundary of rhetoric? What are the characters of the good rhetoric? What should be the natural relation between philosophy and rhetoric? Such issues make up of Plato's rhetoric thought. The modern western rhetoricians have simply believed that Plato was totally opposing rhetoric. Instead, Cicero had grasped the spirit of Plato's rhetoric thought. When we study the history of rhetoric after Plato and read the dialogue of Plato seriously, we shall discover that Plato's rhetoric thought was the origin of classical rhetoric. The author of this paper attempts to generalize Plato's rhetoric thought according to Cicero's discussion.
作者 林志雄
机构地区 浙江大学哲学系
出处 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第5期539-545,共7页 Journal of Central South University:Social Sciences
关键词 柏拉图 哲学修辞术 政治修辞术 两寨罗 Plato: philosophical rhetoric: political rhetoric Cicero
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