以氧化剂硝酸、催化剂A、光亮剂B、稳定剂C、铜缓蚀剂D为原料,采用正交实验设计,考察退铅锡液组成对印制电路板(PCB)退铅锡时间、无烂孔时间的影响。结果表明,无氟退铅锡液T-3型的优惠组成为:氧化剂30%,催化剂13%,稳定剂1.2%,光亮剂2.7%,缓蚀剂0.3%,其余为溶剂,在25℃退铅锡时间1~1.2 min,无烂孔时间20 min以上,PCB铜线路光亮、干净,达到印制板生产的要求。
Nitric acid was used as oxidizer, catalyst A, brightening agent B, stabilizing agent C,inhibiter D were used to investigate the influence of solution composition on stripping time and non-corroding time on Cu by orthogonal analysis experiments. According to enlarge action, when freon-free Ti/Sn stripping solution(T-3) was used in 25℃, stripping time was 1 - 1.2 min, the time of non-corroding hole was more than 20 min. The result showed that the circuit was bright and clean which had meet the requirement of PCB produce. The suitable ratio of oxidizer, catalyst, stabilizing agent, brightening agent, inhibiter and solvent is 30%, 13%, 1.2% ,2.7% ,0.3% ,52.8%.
Applied Chemical Industry