基于晋东南—南阳—荆门交流特高压试验示范工程提供的参数,采用电磁暂态程序ATP-EMTP建立了1 000 kV交流输电系统的模拟仿真系统。利用该模型不仅可以对保护方案进行有效的验证或者作相应的改进,而且可以帮助运行检修人员更轻松地了解特高压一些运行特性,比如电容电流、励磁涌流、潜供电流、合闸过电压等等。
Based on the parameters of the UHV pilot project from Southeast Shanxi via Nanyang in Henan province to Jinmen in Hubei province,a simulation model of 1 000 kV AC power transmission system is developed by using the electromagnetic transient program ATP-EMTP.With the data generated by this simulation model,the protection scheme used for the UHV pilot project can be validated and improved accordingly.It can also help the operators and maintenance staffs to understand some UHV operation characteristics easier,like capacitive current,inrush excitation current,secondary arc current and switching overvoltage.
Hubei Electric Power