提出一种基于三角形网格的浓密视差图提取算法。用SUSAN算法从立体图像对中提取某一幅图像的特征点,用Delaunay的方法将特征点三角化,然后再进行视差的计算,最终得到浓密的视差图。该算法将SUSAN算法和DT(Dalau-nay triangulation)网格结合起来,使算法更加简单化,实现了浓密视差图的快速提取。
An algorithm of dense disparity map extraction is presented based on triangulation mesh. Firstly, the characteristic points in the one of the stereo image pairs are extracted by SUSAN algorithm and are changed into triangulation meshes by delaunay. Then the disparity is calculated. Finally, the dense disparity map is obtained. The algorithm combines SUSAN with Dalaunay triangulation so that it is simple, which realizes fast dense disparity map extracting.
Computer Technology and Development