目的研究柠檬醛对烟曲霉色素及其关键基因alb1 mRNA表达的影响。方法观察烟曲霉在含不同浓度柠檬醛的蔡氏固体培养基中的生长情况;RT-PCR检测药物作用后alb1基因mRNA表达的变化。结果在蔡氏固体培养基上随着柠檬醛浓度的增加,菌苔逐渐变稀、薄且烟绿色色素逐渐变淡,甚至白化;柠檬醛对alb1基因表达有明显的抑制作用,随着药物浓度的降低这种抑制作用亦相应呈现不同程度的减弱。结论烟曲霉缺失烟绿色色素可能与alb1 mRNA的表达抑制有关。
Objective To study the influence of the active ingredients of cinn on the pigment and the mRNA expressions of alb1 gene of Aspergillus fumigatus. Methods Observed the growth of Aspergillus fumigatus in Czapak' s solid culture mediums contained with different concentrations of cinn; RT - PCR and produced the segment with 461bp,finally tested the dynamical change of the mRNA expressions of albl gene after using the ingredients. Results In Czapak' s solid culture medium, the higher the concentration of ingredient was, the thinner the lawn would be, and the pigment became lighter and lighter gradually, even white;The results of RT - PCR demonstrated that cinn could obviously repress the expressions of alb1 gene and this effect was weakened by lower concentrations. Conclusion The ingredient can avaliably suppress the mRNA expression of alb1 gene which is essential for the biosynthesis of Aspergillus fumigatus's pigment.
Journal of Jining Medical University