调节性 T 细胞(Tr)在诱导和维持移植免疫耐受过程中的作用越来越受到人们的重视。根据不同的细胞表型和功能已将 Tr 分为若干亚类,首先是胸腺内 T 细胞发育过程中自然产生的 CD4^+T细胞亚群,能够构成性表达 IL-2受体的α链(CD25)存在于外周,体内体外均可抑制效应性 T 细胞的增殖和功能;其次是产生于正常的免疫应答过程中的诱导性 Tr 亚群,包括 Tr1和 Th3通过分泌细胞因子如 IL-10和 TGF-β发挥抑制作用。除此之外,也有报道 CD8^+Tr、双阴性 T(DNT)细胞和 NK T 细胞在移植耐受的不同模型中亦发挥重要作用。因而研究各种 Tr 亚群的生物学特征、调节机制及其在移植耐受中的作用非常必要。
In the last decade there has been an increasing interest for the action of regulatory T cells (Treg) in preventing transplant rejection and maintaining transplant tolerance. Until now, numerous different Treg subsets have been identified that possess distinct phenotypes and functions in different transplantation models, including thymically derived CD4^+ CD25^+ Treg cells , type 1 T regulatoary ( Tr1 ) and Th3 cells, CD8^ + Treg cells, DN T cells and NKT cells. This review will summarize the characteristics, mechanisms of action of these Treg subsets, as well as their role in transplant tolerance and their potential for therapy.
International Journal of Immunology