Objective To study the spatial distribution and spatio-temporal dynamics of HFRS in Junan county to provide scientific evidence for adjustment and optimization of the integrate prevention and control strategy for HFRS in Shandong Province. Methods The probability models on spatial distribution of disease and quantitative indicators on spatial distribution of cases have been applied to analyze the characteristics of spatial distribution of HFRS from 1975 to 2004 in Junan county. Results From 1975 to 2004,the spatial distribution of HFRS in villages in Junan county has gone through from Poisson distribution to negative binomial distribution, and from negative binomial distribution to Poisson distribution. The epidemic process of HFRS in Junan county has gone through the following 5 stages: natural sporadic→local epidemic→outbreak→local epidemie→sporadie. Conclusions At present, the spatial structure of HFRS in Junan county is on low level in case density, and its epidemic characteristic is sporadic. The integrate prevention and control measures for HFRS should be established to keep the ecology balance between house-rat and wild-rat on the basis of the type of epidemic villages, spatio-temporal dynamic characteristic of HFRS, the main host animals and their living habits, and so on.
Chinese Preventive Medicine
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
The probability models on spatial distribution of disease
Quantitative indicators on spatial distribution of case