The world natural gas industry shows the following development trends; (1 ) as mankind requires a better and better living environment, natural gas will become the most important kind of substitute energy in the world economy; (2) worldwide gas demand for consumption will continue its strong increasing trend, with the Asian, East European and Mid-South American regions increasing the fastest; (3) with rich world-wide gas resources and strong competition in the gas market, gas production will rise at a faster pace; (4) active multinational gas pipeline construction will constitute the major condition for building the international gas market; (5) the increasing growth in new LNG production facilities will promote the globalization and popularization of gas consumption; (6) gas storage systems in developed countries are being perfected which will help to stabilize the world gas market; (7) gas utilization will be diversified, with its major use to generate electricity; (8) all countries will loosen their restrictions and regulations on the gas industry, and the privatization of gas enterprises will accelerate; (9) the world gas trade will observe great developments, but trade flows will be towards the main consumption centre.
International Petroleum Economics