
行波推进仿生机器鱼 被引量:6

Fish robot swimming by long fin traveling wave
摘要 介绍5种常见的鱼类游动模式,分析讨论仿生机器鱼的生物学原型。基于对裸臀鱼属(gymnarchus niloticus)与裸背鳗属(gymnotus carapo)活体鱼的实验研究,建立了长背鳍扭转行波动态曲面的数学模型。依靠长鳍行波实现推进与控制的新型仿生机器鱼,其基本结构是"刚性身体"与"柔性背鳍"的组合,这有利于改善现有摆动式机器鱼的技术性能。裸臀鱼属与裸背鳗属鱼类可作为发展特种机器鱼潜艇的生物学原型,以提高现行水下航行器的效率和机动性能。 Five types of fish swimming modes are introduced, and the prototypes of fish robot are discussed. Based on the experimental study of gymnarchus niloticus and gymnotus carapo, this paper presents a uniform kinematics model to describe the torsional wave of the long flexible dorsal fin, and discusses a new type of fish robot. It has a rigid body with a long ribbon fin and swims only by its long fin traveling torsional wave without body swing. Gymnarchus niloticus and gymnotus carapo are bionic prototypes for a special type of submarine design to increase the propulsive efficiency and to improve the maneuverability.
出处 《海军工程大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第5期1-5,31,共6页 Journal of Naval University of Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10572151) 水动力学国防科技重点实验室基金资助项目
关键词 行波推进 仿生学 机器鱼 扭转波 流动控制 traveling wave propulsion bionics fish robot torsional wave flow control
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