
带有偏序逼近族的偏序集上Scott拓扑的比较 被引量:4

The Comparision of Scott Topology on Posets with Families of Partial Order
摘要 设(A,■)是偏序集,ω是自然数集,若对任意n∈ω,■n是A上的偏序,■n+1■n,∩n∈ω■n=■,则称(A,■)是带有偏序逼近族R={■n|n∈ω}的偏序集,简称为R-偏序集,记为(A,■;R).若n∈ω,An=(A,■n)是cpo,且对n∈ω,令Tn表示关于■n的Scott拓扑,本文给出了Tn弱于Tn+1的一个充分条件,以及它的简单应用. Let (A, ) be a poset, ω natural number set if forall n in ω, n is a partial order on A and n +1 lohtain in n.∩∈ω n= .then call ( A, ) a poset with partial order family R = { n│n∈ω}, R-poset for short. If forall n ∈ ω, A, = (A, n ) is a cpo(completely partial order), let Fn,F represent Scott topology conresponding n, respectively. The paper provides a sufficient condition that makes Fn weaker than Fn+1, and there is a simple application of that condition in the paper.
作者 武利刚 樊磊
出处 《首都师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2007年第5期14-16,21,共4页 Journal of Capital Normal University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 R-偏序集 SCOTT拓扑 Alexander拓扑 拓扑的比较 R-poset, Scott topoology, Alexander topology, comparison of toplogies
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