
贵州省植烟土壤砾石含量分布 被引量:1

Distribution of Gravel Content in Tobacco-planting Soil in Guizhou Province
摘要 [目的]为了解贵州省不同植烟土壤的砾石含量。[方法]通过对贵州省4个地区28个植烟县5种类型的植烟土壤进行取样,测定其砾石含量。[结果]除紫色土个别砾级外,砾石体积比都表现出随着砾级比增大,体积比逐渐减小的趋势。不同的土壤类型,不同砾级的砾石体积比不尽相同。不同土壤类型总砾石含量的体积比顺序为黄壤>石灰土>紫色土>黄棕壤>水稻土;4个地区间砾石含量差异很显著,土壤中总的砾石含量以毕节最高,为11.28%,其次是黔南,为6.57%,黔西南和遵义分别为5.24%、5.19%。[结论]一般情况下,砾石体积比随砾级比增大而逐渐减小。 [Objective] The purpose was to know gravel contents in different tobacco-planting soils in Guizhou province. [Method] The gravel contents were detected through sampling 5 types of tobacco -planting soils from 28 tobacco -planting counties in 4 areas of Guizhou province. [Result] Except for individual gravel grades in purple soil, all the ratios of gravel volume were gradually decreased along with the ratio of gravel grade increasing. The ratios of gravel volume of different soil types and gravel grades were not all same. The volume ratio order of total gravel contents in different types of soil was: yellow soil 〉 limestone soil 〉 purple soil 〉 yellow-brown soil 〉 paddy soil. The gravel content difference among 4 areas was very significant. The total gravel content in soil of Bijie was highest, being 1128 %, the next was southern Guizhou, being 6-57 %, and that in southwest Guizhou and Zunyi were 5.2.4 % and 5.19 % resp. [Conclusion] Generally, the ratio of gravel volume would decrease gradually along with the ratio of gravel grade increasing.
作者 陈杰
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第32期10334-10335,共2页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家烟草专卖局贵州省烟草种植区划研究项目(110200401018)
关键词 砾石含量 分布 植烟土壤 贵州省 Gravel content Distribution Tobacco-planting soil Guizhou province
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