

Experiment of inhibitive effect of artemether in different stages on colorectal cancer growth in BALB/c mice
摘要 目的:探讨蒿甲醚(Artemether)对不同病期BALB/c小鼠CT-26结直肠癌的抑瘤作用。方法:BALB/c小鼠皮下接种CT-26结直肠癌细胞(4×105个)。96只小鼠,雌、雄各半,随机分为两个大组,分为中期组(接种5天后)和晚期组(接种10天后);每个大组再随机分为6小组,每组8只,分别为低剂量(33.3mg/kg)、中剂量(50mg/kg)、高剂量(66.6mg/kg)和中剂量(50mg/kg)加铁剂(1.5mg/kg)组、阳性对照组(顺铂5mg/kg)、空白对照组(等体积生理盐水)。结果:中期组口服蒿甲醚高、中、低剂量和中剂量加铁剂对BALB/c小鼠CT-26结直肠癌均有明显的抑制作用,抑瘤率分别为52.0%、51.4%、42.3%和53.5%;晚期组口服蒿甲醚高、中、低剂量和中剂量加铁剂对BALB/c小鼠CT-26结直肠癌亦有明显的抑制作用,抑瘤率分别为35.8%、33.5%、38.2%和44.7%,中剂量单药抑瘤率最低;中、晚期各对应组之间比较有显著差异(P<0.05)。结论:在一定剂量范围内,口服蒿甲醚对小鼠不同病期的CT-26结直肠癌均有明显的抑制作用,中期组强于晚期;蒿甲醚与顺铂相比,具有较小的毒副作用;与铁剂合用具有一定的协同作用,使抑瘤率增加。 Objective:To explore the inhibitive effect of artemether (Art) in different stages on colorectal cancer growth in tumor bearing BALB/c mice. Methods:Ninty-six BALB/c mice were divided two groups that one group was middle clinic stage and another group was advanced stage, each group was 48 BALB/c mice which were subcutaneous planted with CT-26 colorectal cell (4×10^5) were divided resourcefully into 6 groups, each group was 8 mice. Group 1, Art 33.3mg/kg (low dose) was oral; group 2 Art 50mg/kg ( middle dose) oral; group 3 Art 66.6mg/kg( high dose) oral; group 4 ferralia 1.5mg/kg and Art 50mg/kg ( middle dose) oral; group5 DDP 5mg/kg oral as positive control and 7 normal saline oral as blank control. Results:In the middle stage, inhibitive rates of Art by oral at dosages of low, middle and high were 42. 3%, 51.4% and 52. 0% respectively, and had significant difference of inhibitive effects on colorectal growth ( P = 0. 007, P = 0. 006, P = 0.024, respectively). In the advanced stage, inhibitive rates of Art by oral at dosages of low, middle and high were 35.8%, 33.5% and 38. 2% respectively, the dosage of low and high had significant difference of inhibitive effects on colorectal growth ( P 〈 0. 05), dosage of middle had no significant difference of inhibitive effects on colorectal growth (P = 0. 07). Combination ferralia and Art synergenic the inhibitive effect on tumor bearing mice. Conclusion: Artemether has inhibitive effect to colorectal cancer growth in mice at the range of dosage and combination ferralia and artemether synergenic has the inhibition effect; it has a significant and different therapy efficacy in different stages of the disease.
出处 《临床肿瘤学杂志》 CAS 2007年第10期743-745,共3页 Chinese Clinical Oncology
关键词 蒿甲醚 BALB/c小鼠 CT-26细胞株 结直肠癌 铁剂 Artemether BALB/c mice CT-26 cell line Colorectal cancer Ferralia
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