Soil erosion models and crop growth simulation models are often used to assess the potential impact of climate variations. Most simulation models require daily weather data, which are frequently synthesized using stochastic daily weather generators. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of the CLimate GENerator (CLIGEN) to generate non-precipitation parameters, including daily temperatures, solar radiation, and wind velocity at twelve standard meteorological stations on the Loess Plateau. The results demonstrated that the CLIGEN model reproduced daily maximum temperature reasonably well. In comparison, daily minimum and dew point temperature were less well reproduced, probably because of the range check imposed in the model and used the standard deviation of minimum temperature to compute dew point. Daily solar radiation and wind velocity were less well generated than temperature; especially for wind velocity the generated data were significantly greater than the measured data. Both means and standard deviations of the same day temperature range and one day lag temperature ranges of the CLIGEN-generated data were consistently greater than those of the measured data on all sites. But the means were better reproduced than the standard deviations. Temperature tends to change in a gradual and continuous manner, but CLIGEN generated data did not reproduced this trend. Seasonal serial correlations of maximum and minimum temperatures were well reproduced, but those of solar radiation and cross correlation between temperature and solar radiation were poorly reproduced by the CLIGEN model. There were no day to day correlations for the CLIGEN-generated data, including solar radiation, maximum and minimum temperature.
Science of Soil and Water Conservation