
伦理经济原理与市场经济伦理 被引量:4

Principles of Ethical Economy and Market Ethical Economy
摘要 伦理学和经济学仿佛是互有敌意的兄弟。说它们是兄弟,因为它们都是关于人的行动和决策的理论,都关心行动和决策的合理性和正确性。说它们互有敌意,因为它们的规范性内容似乎是互相矛盾的,伦理学追求至善,而经济学追求效率,至善的东西未必有效率,有效率的东西未必至善;追求至善的好心人未必总是得到好报,追求效率的坏人未必总是得到恶报。怎样解决两者之间的这种矛盾,伦理经济提出了若干基本原理,其中最重要的有:善的三重性(道德、效果和效率)原理;伦理经济的双重性(经济和伦理性质)原理;作为伦理学经济的伦理经济原理(如道德利益相容性原理、普遍利益权重原理等);作为市场经济的伦理预设的伦理经济原理(如契约第三方原理、双重效应原理、超动机原理等)。 Ethics and economics seem to be inimical brothers. They are brothers since they are both theories of human action and decision making. They are inimical since their normative content seems to be contradictory. How can we avoid such a conflicting situation? Ethical economy proposes some principles, including the principle of the threefold nature of the good; the principle of the double nature of ethical economy; the principles of ethical economy as the economy of ethics; and the principles of ethical economy as the theory of the ethical presuppositions of the market economy.
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第10期15-24,共10页 Academic Monthly
关键词 伦理经济 经济伦理学 伦理学经济 伦理经济原理 商业伦理学 ethical economy, economic ethics, economy of ethics, principles of ethical economy, business ethics
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