
IT行业员工组织承诺与组织公民行为关系研究 被引量:11

The Research on the Relationship between Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in IT Industry
摘要 本文以北京、上海、大连等几个软件行业比较发达的城市的326名IT员工为样本,通过实证研究方法,探究IT行业员工组织承诺与组织公民行为的特性和二者之间的相关性。研究结果表明:在IT行业内员工组织承诺与组织公民行为具有较强的相关性;而且规范承诺、感情承诺和理想承诺与组织公民行为呈显著相关。鉴于IT行业的特殊性,员工们的规范承诺普遍较高,而机会承诺则偏低;IT行业员工在年龄和工作时间方面,组织承诺具有显著差异性。 This paper collects 326 samples in IT industry from comparatively developed cities,Beijing,Shanghai,Dalian and so on.In the steps of sending questionnaires,analyzing the data and summing up the results,the conclusions follow that: In IT industry,the OC has correlations with OCB.Normative commitment,affective commitment and economic commitment have correlations with OCB.Because of the IT specialty,the staff usually behaves more actively in the dimension of normative commitment and more inactively in the dimension of opportunity commitment.Organizational Commitment is different by age and working period.
出处 《管理评论》 2007年第10期37-42,共6页 Management Review
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