19世纪以来英国女子社会教育获得了巨大的发展,主要表现在妇女成人学校不断出现、女子职业技能教育更受重视、妇女讲习会(W om en s Institute)制对妇女的教育作用增强和城镇妇女基尔特会(Townswom en s Gu ild)对城镇妇女发挥着教育作用。从中可以获得如下启示:应大办妇女成人学校以满足广大妇女对教育的渴望;在妇女扫盲教育任务基本完成的情况下应调整教育任务,增强妇女成人教育内容的针对性和时效性;各级妇联应吸取英国开办妇女讲习会的经验并形成制度以提高广大妇女接受社会教育的能力;应吸取英国开办城镇妇女基尔特会的经验,在城镇开办妇女成人教育机构,加大对进城女农民工、城市下岗女工以及农转非女性的教育培训,以增强其社会适应性。
Since the 19th century, women's social education in the UK has greatly developed, with its main a- chievements as follows: the continuous appearance of adult women's schools, the increasing emphasis on the vocational education to women, the growing roles that Women's Institute in the UK plays in women's education and Townswomen's Guild in townswomen's education. These achievements have a wide range of implications for women's education in China: (1) A great number of adult women schools should be set up in order to meet women's desire for knowledge; (2) After the completion of the primary task of women's anti-illiteracy, great importance should be attached to women's vocational education; (3) The Women's Federation at all levels should draw much experience from Women's Institute and form its own system in order to improve women's ability to accept social education ; (4) China should absorb experience from Townswomen's Guild, establish adult women's educational institutions and strengthen training for female laborers from the countryside, lay-off women and women who have shifted from regis- tered rural residence to urban residence so that their adaptabilities to society can be improved.
Journal of China West Normal University:Philosophy & Social Sciences
women's social education in the UK