用PCR技术诊断动物布病,还未见报道。作者首次用牛种布氏菌104M株100万1只的菌量感染普通小鼠,分别在感染第5d、10d 采血,同时做血清学反应和PCR检测为阳性,同时,还检查了感染15d的豚鼠,其SAT和PCR结果均为阳性,PCR和SAT在感染的后期有很高的符合率。
Mice were infected with B. abortus 104M 106/animal,then sera tests and PCR were performed after 5 and 10 days, the results showed that, there was no specific antibody within 10 days,while PCR tests were positive. At the same time,we tested 3 guinea pig which infected B. abortus 104M for 15 days,SAT and PCR results were also positive, PCR with SAT had high correspondence in the period of late infection.
Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases