初步研究了退火和回火热处理对Mg-Pb二元铸态合金组织和性能的影响及稀土元素钕对该合金的影响。结果表明:少量的(≤2%)稀土元素钕(Nd)的加入对Mg-Pb合金的力学性能有较大的提高。Mg-10%Pb-2%Nd合金经420℃(10 min)-120℃(24 h)处理后具有较好的综合力学性能。由此可见,合理的热处理制度可以极大地改善Mg-Pb合金的组织和力学性能。
The effect of annealing and tempering heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg - Pb alloys was studied. The results showed that a small quantity of Nd( ≤2% ) could improve mechanical properties of Mg - Pb alloys. The mechanical properties of Mg - 10wt% Pb - 2wt% Nd alloy were improved effectively by annealing at the temperature of 420℃ for 10 minutes and tempering at 120℃ for 24 hours. It is shown that proper heat treatment process could greatly improve microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg - Ph alloys.
Research Studies On Foundry Equipment