Located at the junction of Jinghu and Longhai railroads (the two major railroads in China, running from Beijing to Shanghai, and from Lianyungang to Urumqi, respectively), the Xuzhou Dongzhan Square has become a large comprehensive transportation terminal due to a rapid growth of the surrounding commercial developments. As a result, the original traffic-collective functionality has switched to a mix of intracity and intercity traffic, as well as pedestrian and vehicular traffic. By analyzing the traffic characteristics and the transportation facilities within or around the square, and for investigating a suitable pattern that fits the remodeling of an old train-station, this paper proposes the concept of comprehensive transportation management, i.e., making use of existing resources, reasonably defining traffic management responsibilities, incorporating human-friendly design into transportation facility reconstruction, as well as traffic channelization and organization, with attentions also paid to issues such as existing travel patterns, transit transfer needs among different travel modes, as well as the smooth interactions between pedestrians and vehicles.
Urban Transport of China
comprehensive management
transit center
traffic organization