

Power Structure and the Choice of Power Strategies in Marketing Channels
摘要 权力战略是权力运用的方式。一个渠道成员实施的权力战略类型将影响其他渠道成员的态度和渠道绩效。权力是影响权力战略选择的一个重要因素,但是现有研究集中于单边企业权力及其使用之间的关系,少有研究探讨双边权力与企业权力运用之间的关系。文中从权力-依赖理论的视角出发,关注双边权力与制造商权力战略选择之间的关系,并提出了若干研究命题。 Power strategies are the manner in which power is used. Channel member attitudes and system performance are determined by type of power strategies applied by its partners. Power is an important factor that influences the choice of power strategies, most of extant literatures focus on the relationships between a firm's power and its use of power, and ignore the relationship between bilateral power and its use. On the basis of power-dependence theory,the author explores the relationship between bilateral power and manufacturer's choice of power strategies, and presents some research propositions.
出处 《价值工程》 2007年第3期122-125,共4页 Value Engineering
关键词 渠道权力 权力战略 相互依赖 channel power power strategies interdependence
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