
Composition and Genesis of Zeolitic Claystones from the Central Indian Ocean Basin

Composition and Genesis of Zeolitic Claystones from the Central Indian Ocean Basin
摘要 We examined more than fifty indurated sediments recovered from the Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB) during the course of collection for manganese nodules and crusts. The samples occur as slabs either over which ferromanganese oxides are present or over a substrate of altered oceanic basalt in conjunction with palagonite or within the nucleus of manganese nodules. Mineralogically and compositionally, the samples show a mixture of phillipsite, palagonite and montmorillonite. We suggest that the volcanogenic precursors occurring in the CIOB were subjected to varying degrees of alteration under the influence of low temperature conditions, resulting in the formation of zeolitic claystones. The CIOB samples have similarities to those reported from various sites in the world oceans. We examined more than fifty indurated sediments recovered from the Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB) during the course of collection for manganese nodules and crusts. The samples occur as slabs either over which ferromanganese oxides are present or over a substrate of altered oceanic basalt in conjunction with palagonite or within the nucleus of manganese nodules. Mineralogically and compositionally, the samples show a mixture of phillipsite, palagonite and montmorillonite. We suggest that the volcanogenic precursors occurring in the CIOB were subjected to varying degrees of alteration under the influence of low temperature conditions, resulting in the formation of zeolitic claystones. The CIOB samples have similarities to those reported from various sites in the world oceans.
出处 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第5期756-770,共15页 地质学报(英文版)
关键词 halmyrolysis zeolites ALTERATION AUTHIGENESIS Indian Ocean halmyrolysis, zeolites, alteration, authigenesis, Indian Ocean
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