
近距离平行隧道盾构施工对老隧道影响的数值模拟 被引量:22

Numerical Simulation of Influence of Shield Tunneling on Short-Distance Parallel Existing Tunnel
摘要 分析了盾构法施工对既有隧道的影响.以天津地铁某区间盾构施工为背景,采用有限元程序ABAQUS对近距离双线平行盾构掘进过程进行了动态模拟,揭示了盾构新隧道施工对既有隧道的应力分布和衬砌变形等产生的影响,得到了地表沉降曲线与影响既有隧道的具体数值.计算结果表明,土体的模量、隧道间净距和注浆压力等因素对隧道间相互作用有较大影响,且土体越软其影响越显著,但当距离大于洞径时,其影响可忽略不计. The effects of the shield tunneling on the existing tunnel are studied. Based on a subway project in Tianjin, the tunneling of two parallel shield tunnels is simulated by using finite element program ABAQUS. The stress distribution change and lining deformation of the existing tunnel caused by the shield tunneling are analyzed, and the surface settlement curve is obtained. The results show that the modulus of soil, the net distance between the tunnels, and the grouting pressure have great influence on the interaction. The softer the soil is, the greater its influence is. When the net distance exceeds the size of the tunnel diameter, its effect can be ignored.
出处 《天津大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第7期786-790,共5页 Journal of Tianjin University(Science and Technology)
关键词 平行隧道 数值模拟 盾构法 位移 parallel tunnels numerical simulation shield tunneling method displacement
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