
亲本强化培育对中华绒螯蟹雌体生殖性能和Z_1幼体质量的影响 被引量:29

Effect of enriching broodstock on reproductive performance and Z_1 quality of Eriocheir sinensis
摘要 系统比较了亲本强化培育和常规培育对池塘养殖中华绒螯蟹的生殖性能和Z_1幼体质量的影响,同时分析2组Z_1幼体的脂肪酸组成。结果表明,①两种培育方式对亲本的成活率和产卵率均无显著影响,强化组亲本的GSI、HSI、产卵量和生殖力显著高于常规组;②两种培育方式对卵的卵径、水分含量、单卵干重和湿重影响不显著,但强化组的受精率和孵化率略高于常规组;③强化组Z_1幼体的头胸甲长度、变态速度和抗逆境能力均高于常规组,这可能和幼体中高含量的HUFA有关;④生产性实验结果表明强化组的出苗率高于常规组,且幼体培育时间减少4~5 d。因此,亲本强化培育可以显著提高绒螯蟹中华的生殖性能和Z_1幼体质量。 Although significant advances have been made in the hatchery technology of Eriocheir sinensis during the last years, the quality and quantity of larvae are still variable in many artificial hatcheries. The study was conducted to compare the reproductive performance and larval quality of two group females (E. sinensis) bred by two methods (enriching breeding and normal breeding)- Group Ⅰ: female broodstocks were fed experimental artificial diets( rich with HUFA, phospholipid, cholesterol, vitamins C and vitamins E, etc. ) during ovarian development( GSI from 2.4% to 12.27% ), GroupⅡ: broodstock females E. sinensis were directly obtained from crab ponds (without previous nutritional enrichment) before mating, the fatty acids of two originating Z1 were also analyzed by gas chromatograph to evaluate the larval quality. The results showed that there were no significant differences on survival rate and spawning rate, while group Ⅰ had higher gonadosomatic index (GSI), hepatosomatic index (HSI), egg production ind^-1, and reproductive performance than those of Group Ⅱ. The fertilizing rate and hatching rate of egg originating from Group Ⅰ were slightly higher than those of Group Ⅱ. The carapace length, metamorphic speed and stress resistance ability of Z1 produced by Group Ⅰ were higher than those of Group Ⅱ, this could be related to high HUFA content in former Z1 of Group Ⅰ. From the outdoor experiments of larval breeding, the larval quality and production produced by Group Ⅰ females were much better than those of Group Ⅱ, the survival rate ( from Z1 to megalopa) of Group Ⅰ was also significantly higher than those of Group Ⅱ , with a shorter larval breeding time in Group Ⅰ. According to the results, it comes to the conclusion that the reproductive performance and larval quality of E. sinensis could be improved by enriching broodstock, and the pondreared broodstock( E. sinensis) should be enriched from September.
出处 《水产学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期757-764,共8页 Journal of Fisheries of China
基金 国家自然科学基金(39900112和30471349) 上海市曙光计划(02-SG-40) 上海市科委重大攻关项目(013212002) 上海市重点学科建设项目(Y1101)
关键词 中华绒螯蟹 亲本培育 生殖性能 苗种质量 脂肪酸组成 Eriocheir sinensis broodstock breeding reproductive performance larval quality fatty acid composition
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