

A QoS-based and application-oriented multi-attribute vertical handoff decision method for mSCTP
摘要 用移动流控制传输协议(mSCTP)作为传输层协议构建多接口终端系统结构,提出一种基于QoS和面向应用的多属性mSCTP垂直切换决策方法,利用mSCTP在移动性方面的良好特性实现了异构网络接口间的合作。在决策属性选择及其权重值分配时充分考虑不同类型应用的特性及其不同的QoS需求,采用1-9互反标度保证其客观性和一致性。垂直切换决策针对每个应用单独进行,并选择最恰当的网络为切换目标网络,以有利于网络资源的有效利用。仿真结果表明,这种垂直切换决策方法能够有效避免不必要的切换,并且能在单个应用性能优化和网络资源的有效利用之间达到良好的平衡。 Mobile stream control transport protocol (mSCTP) is adopted as the transport layer protocol of multi-interface mobile terminals to support cooperation among heterogeneous network interfaces. A QoS-based and application-oriented multi-attribute vertical handoff decision method is proposed accordingly. Different QoS requirements and features of various application types are considered adequately in decision criteria selection and weighted value determination. Handoff decision follows "per application" and "the most suitable" principles for effective network resourees utilization. The simulation resuhs show that the handoff decision method proposed in this paper can reduce the unnecessary handoff and realize the well balance between the performance optimization of single application and the efficient utilization of network resources.
出处 《高技术通讯》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第10期997-1001,共5页 Chinese High Technology Letters
基金 863计划(2006AA012229)、国家自然科学基金(60672086)和国家留学回国人员基金资助项目.
关键词 垂直切换 QOS 移动流控制传输协议(mSCTP) 不确定多属性决策 vertical handoff, QoS, mobile stream control transport protocol (mSCTP), uncertain multi-attribute decision
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