提出了一个0.13μm CMOS工艺下的快速稳定的高增益Telescopic放大器的设计。该设计采用了增益提高技术,分析了这种技术的增益模型和频率响应模型。后仿真结果表明,该设计开环直流增益为98 dB,在4.5 ns的建立时间之内达到0.02%的稳定精度,而且没有超调的现象,其等效输入噪声小于4 nV/rtHz,在1.2 V供电下消耗电流2 mA。
This paper designs a telescopic OPAMP with gain boosting technique. Based on the gain model and frequency response model,the designed OPAMP has more than 95 dB DC gain, 4. 5nS settling time achieving 0. 02% settling accuracy without any overshooting or slow settling. The input - referred noise is less than 4nV/rtHz and consumes only 2mA with supply voltage of 1.2 V.
Modern Electronics Technique