伴随耀斑和日冕物质抛射共生的日冕和行星际快激波作为一种粒子加速机制一直是理论研究关注的热点课题.在准平行激波传播条件下,首先建立数值求解一维输运方程的方法,然后探讨加速离子分布与激波和背景等离子参数之间的关系.取扩散系数分别为常数和能量的函数、有限自由逃逸边界的计算结果表明:(1)随着加速时间的增大,高能粒子近似呈双幂律分布,低能端(3~10 MeV)谱指数逐渐从10.2减小到2.4,能谱逐渐变硬,粒子被激波加速后能量逐渐增大;(2)随着激波压缩比从2增大到4,相同时间同一能量范围的粒子能谱谱指数逐渐从3.2减小到2.2,能谱逐渐变硬,表明激波强度的增大使得加速效率增大;(3)上下游逃逸边界由5减小到2后,粒子能谱的谱指数由2.4增大到3.3,粒子的加速效率减小;(4)当粒子注入能量增大时,粒子能谱的谱指数由2.4减小到0.9,加速效率增大;(5)当扩散系数与能量成正比时,粒子能谱指数由2.2增大到4.3,能谱变软.
It has been an hot problem for the ion acceleration by the fast coronal and interplanetary shock waves driven by the flares and coronal mass ejections. Shock accel- eration includes two main parts: one is the shock drift acceleration and the other is the diffusive shock acceleration. So far, the analytic method and numerical method are used in most researches on shock acceleration. The numerical simulations of the diffusive shock acceleration are studied extensively. As the difference between multidimensional simulation and one dimensional simulation is not evident in the parallel shock waves, the numerical method of solving one dimensional time-dependent transport equation is constructed and its stabihty is analyzed first. Then, the physical relationship between the distribution of the accelerated ions and the parameters of shock waves and background plasmas is studied. Assuming the constant and the energy-dependent diffusive coefficients and finite upstream and downstream free escape boundaries, it's shown that: (1) the accelerated particles ap- proximately appear a double power-law distribution and the spectral index decreases from 10.2 to 2.4 in the low energy region of 3-10 MeV with the increase of the acceleration time; (2) with the increase of the compression rate of the shock from 2 to 4, the spectral index decreases from 3.2 to 2.2 at the same time and in the same range; (3) when the finite upstream and downstream escape boundaries decrease from 5 to 2, the spectral index increases from 2.4 to 3.3; (4) the spectral index decreases from 2.4 to 0.9 with the increase of the initial inject energy of the particles; (5) when the diffusion coefficient is dependent on the energy of the particles, the spectral index increases from 2.2 to 4.3 as compared with the constant diffusion coefficient.
Acta Astronomica Sinica
Sun: Flares, Sun : Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), Physical Data andProcesses: Acceleration of Particles, Physical Data and Processes: Shock Waves