
PZT铁电场效应晶体管电学性能 被引量:4

Electrical Properties of a PZT Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistor
摘要 采用磁控溅射法制备了(111)向择优的Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3(PZT)铁电薄膜,并结合半导体集成技术制备了金属/铁电/金属/多晶硅/绝缘层/Si衬底(MFMIS)结构的n沟道铁电场效应晶体管.研究了铁电场效应晶体管的C-V特性、I-V特性以及写入速度.顺时针的C-V滞回曲线和逆时针的Id-Vg滞回曲线表明,n沟道PZT铁电场效应晶体管具有极化存储性能和明显的栅极化调制效应,并且在-5V到+5V的Vg电压下从C-V和Id-Vg滞回曲线中都得到了2V的存储窗口. An n-channel field-effect-transistor (FFET) with a metal/ferroelectric/metal/insulator/Si substrates (MFMIS) structure is fabricated by using a Pb(Zr0.52 Ti0.48)O3 (PZT) thin film of the preferential orientation of (111) on Si substrates prepared by the RF magnetron sputtering technique integrated with semiconductor technology. The C- V characteristics, 1- V characteristics,and data writing speed of the FFET are investigated. The clockwise C- V and counterclockwise ld- Vg hystere- sis loops of the n-channel FFET demonstrate that the FFET could realize a memory effect due to the ferroelectric polariza- tion of PZT thin film. The memory window of the FFET is 2V,observed from the C-V and ld-Vg hysteresis curves with Vg swinging between - 5 and + 5V.
出处 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第11期1782-1785,共4页 半导体学报(英文版)
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划资助项目(批准号:51310z)~~
关键词 磁控溅射 MFMIS 铁电场效应晶体管 存储窗口 RF magnetron sputtering MFMIS FFETs memory window
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